
Called in Baptism to proclaim by our lives and our works the presence of God in the world, we Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ accept the invitation to live a vowed life in community. We are inspired by Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and Saint Katharina Kasper, our foundress, to: listen prayerfully live simply serve joyfully


Called by our commitment to fostering Gospel values and communities in communion, the American Province of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ will be a catalyst for a just transformation in the communities where we serve, particularly addressing the needs and circumstances of those who are poor and marginalized, by sharing our resources to advance the mission, charism and spirit of Saint Katharina Kasper.


A rippling pool of water captures the broad impact created by a small force. So it is within our prayer, our communal lives and our ministry. Each one’s presence and actions make a difference. This creative energy flows outward to become part of something larger before returning to us. We move with the flow of life from our Spirit-centered belief in the impact of love on the world. Our symbol is rendered in natural blue colors with soft edge lines as a painter’s brush stroke. This reminds us of the human heart and human touch that guides our lives and our ministry.