Honorary and memorial gifts, which you can establish through various giving methods, can be tailored to fit the interests and values of your loved one, making it a true extension of that person’s life and accomplishments. Many individuals even use honorary or memorial gifts to celebrate important life milestones, such as birthdays, graduations, or anniversaries.
Discover the different ways you can create a living legacy for someone who has made an undeniable difference in your life:

Create a planned gift.
Through a gift in your estate, you can choose to honor a loved one after your lifetime. There are many types of planned gifts that can be tailored to fit your unique needs and interests, and many also offer financial benefits during your lifetime. Planned gifts can also be named in memory or honor of your loved one and directed to support your loved one’s passions. Planned gifts are an essential pipeline of support for the Poor Handmaids, meaning that your loved one’s legacy will play a major role in the organization’s future.
Write a check.
PHJC accepts check donations of any size in memory or honor of a loved one. Simply mail us your check made out to the “Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ,” and include a note with the honoree’s name or memorial information and the address of the honoree or next of kin. We’ll notify them of the gift made in their honor.
Please note: If no contact information is provided, we cannot guarantee that your honoree or next of kin will be notified.
Give an online gift.
The Poor Handmaids also accepts online credit card donations made in memory or honor of someone. If you choose to make an online credit card donation, you can donate to the ministry of your choice or select the “Greatest Needs.” Please include the honoree’s name and address or the address of the next of kin on the online giving form. We’ll notify them of the gift made in their honor.
Please note: If no contact information is provided, we cannot guarantee that your honoree or next of kin will be notified.
Unique PHJC Options!
Explore unique ways that PHJC honors those dearest to you and to God.
Prayer Garden
Our Prayer Garden offers a visually-vibrant yet contemplative setting. Walkways lined with personalized brick pavers throughout the garden and next to a meditative labyrinth. These pavers are a unique and long-lasting way to honor or memorialize those dear to you.
Mass Association
By enrolling your family or friends, whether living or deceased, members of PHJC will celebrate the Eucharistic liturgy for those entrusted to us through the Mass Association. These members are also included in the regular prayers of the members of PHJC.