PHJC Volunteers

PHJC Greenhouses

Spring brings renewal, infusing hope into our efforts to support the marginalized and protect nature. The invaluable support of donors like you fuels this optimism. Your time and resources enable us to enhance our commitment to environmental stewardship and extend our reach beyond the Motherhouse at Donaldson. 

Our PHJC Volunteer Program exemplifies this outreach. Volunteers in Plymouth, Indiana, gather twice weekly to distribute essential items and food to those in need, many of whom are children, embodying compassion and restoring dignity. 

Since 2014, PHJC Volunteers have served diverse communities, guided by the mission of Saint Katharina Kasper by meeting the spiritual and physical needs of others, particularly the underprivileged.  

Another way our volunteers make a difference is at The Center at Donaldson, where they tend our organic greenhouses alongside our greenhouse co-workers. Last year, these volunteers helped yield over 7,400 pounds of nutritious produce. This sustenance nourishes our community and embodies our commitment to sustainable practices. 

Food insecurity persists, affecting 12.4 percent of our region’s residents despite progress. With your support, we aim to expand our impact, increasing fresh food distribution by at least 15 percent in 2024. Your donation to the PHJC Volunteer Program and greenhouses empowers meaningful change, ensuring environmental stewardship and support for those in need. Together, we honor the gifts bestowed upon us by caring for the Earth and its most vulnerable inhabitants.